Starbucks Tweets So People Will Buy their Coffee

Well it looks as if the move to Tweeting for advertisements is underway.

Starbucks plans on creating a new advertising campaing in order to increase its sales, which, due to the recession and McDonalds McCafe, have slowly dwindled. But hey, Isn’t that what they get for charging five bucks for a chocolate bar in a cup?

Over the past year, Starbuck has slipped as more and more have been avoiding overpriced coffee and poured more from home.

The problem, with advertising through tweets, is that no one wants ads! The same sort of spam-attacks have plagued facebook and myspace for the past year, and does anyone really want more of that? I sure don’t.

Point is, any way we look at it, Web 2.0 is beggining to be conquered by social networking and advertisement wars. Starbucks is just one of the few who has not yet taken advantage of the oppurtunity.sbucks

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  1. Doesn't matter. Go to the Common Grounds.

  2. Twitter should make it illegal to advertise on their site.


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