The future of smartphones has arrived – Windows Phone 7 series!
Microsoft, the company largley accredited for starting the mainstream adoption of home PCs, has now announced their latest initiative – Windows Phone 7.
Read MoreFeb 23, 2010 | 0 |
Microsoft, the company largley accredited for starting the mainstream adoption of home PCs, has now announced their latest initiative – Windows Phone 7.
Read MoreFeb 23, 2010 | 0 |
We get it, Verizon has a big network, AT &T is faster…
Read MoreFeb 23, 2010 | 2 |
Facebook is now allowing you to connect with iChat. Some of my students were asking “how do you do that?”. It is really quite simple. Here are the steps in order to add a Facebook chat account to your iChat. In iChat, open Preferences, and go to the Accounts tab. Click the plus sign at the bottom of the window to add a new account. Select Jabber Account from the Account Type drop-down menu. Enter your_facebook_username@chat.facebook.com in the Account Name field, and enter your Facebook password in the Password field. Click the triangle next to Server Options . Enter chat.facebook.com in the Server field, and 5222 in the Port field. Make sure the Use SSL box is not checked. Click Done. Launch iChat and it will now have your Facebook account added. Actually, you can now add your Facebook contact list to almost any chat client or web chat service. Facebook has freed Facebook Chat from the constraints of your browser window, adding support for the Jabber/XMPP protocol. Using Jabber/XMPP, the same protocol used by Gmail’s built-in IM feature Google Talk, allows you to add Facebook Chat to IM programmes like AIM, Pigin, Adium and iChat as well as a host of other Windows and Mac OS X apps. Head on over to Facebook’s Chat Tour Pageand get some instructions for hooking up your alternate Chat...
Read MoreFeb 21, 2010 | 0 |
Bloom Energy will be revealing to the world its potentially revolutionary new fuel cell system-The Bloom Box. Why revolutionary?
Read MoreFeb 20, 2010 | 0 |
Facebook users have been complaining about problems at the social media site. Users in the U.S. and other countries reported problems beginning Saturday morning. Some could not log in, and the site was unusually slow and glitchy for others. Users in London, Bangkok and Mexico City reported problems. Many used Twitter to complain. Facebook spokesman Matt Hicks said the company is working to restore access as quickly as possible. Without giving a specific number, said it was a “small percentage of users” who had problems accessing Facebook, their friends' profiles or specific site features because of an isolated server problem. Facebook, which has more than 400 million users, has generally avoided such hiccups. Twitter has had bigger problems. Last August, hackers shut down the short messaging service for several hours. Facebook also had problems, but was never shut down...
Read MoreFeb 20, 2010 | 0 |
Skype and Verizon announced a partnership Tuesday to bring the Internet-calling technology to a number of 3G BlackBerry and Android phones starting in March.
Read MoreFeb 20, 2010 | 0 |
Apple has unveiled a “Countdown to 10 Billion Songs” promotion via the iTunes Store, offering the contest winner a prize of a $10,000 iTunes gift card.
Read MoreFeb 17, 2010 | 0 |
We reported Googl’e launch of Buzz last week. Then within days after this launch, Google did a huge overhaul of its service after receiving an anormous amount of complaints about it’s privacy infringements. Buzz allows users to share messages, web links, photos and videos with friends and colleagues directly within Gmail. Great, no? But when it launched it automatically linked users with other people they were discovered to have most contact with failing to take into consideration that many would resent being automaticaly followed by those they did not designate. Responding to the angry mob of emails and Help Forum rants, Google has changed the system to an auto-suggest model. Google will also no longer automatically connect any public Picasa photo albums and Google Reader items. On their official Google Blog , they wrote: We’ve heard your feedback loud and clear, and since we launched Google Buzz four days ago, we’ve been working around the clock to address the concerns you’ve raised.You won’t be set up to follow anyone until you have reviewed the suggestions and clicked Follow selected people and start using Buzz. Despite the changes that Google made, The Electronic Privacy Information Centre filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission yesterday arguing that privacy violations remain because Google automatically signs up Gmail users for Buzz, rather than waiting for them to do so themselves, or ‘opt...
Read MoreFeb 17, 2010 | 0 |
More than two dozen Telecom companies announced plans to create a common site for mobile phone applications.
Read MoreFeb 14, 2010 | 0 |
Veoh was once considered to be in direct competition with YouTube. Veoh founder Dmitry Shapiro has said that the company would be liquidating and filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
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