The Samsung-Nvidia Patent Retaliation Heats Up
Another day, another patent war. Samsung and Nvidia are still having it out in court over Nvidia’s GPU technology, which they say Samsung infringed upon in their Galaxy smartphone line. However, after they were cleared of wrongdoing, Samsung fired back with four of their own patents and a suit alleging that Nvidia used their memory chip technology in production of graphics cards.
A Tale of Two Suits
Back in September of 2014, Nvidia filed its first patent lawsuit against Samsung and Qualcomm, claiming that processors in a number of Galaxy models used technology owned by Nvidia. That October, an International Trade Commission judge rejected that complaint, finding that none of Nvidia’s patents in question were infringed upon.
In response, Samsung hit Nvidia with a countersuit, filed shortly thereafter in November of 2014, claiming that Nvidia infringed upon their own patents for their solid state memory technology. An ITC judge found them in violation of Samsung patents. In their public comment, it seemed like Nvidia was ready to admit defeat and cut a check.
“A judge at the U.S. International Trade Commission this week issued his initial determination that we had infringed three of Samsung’s patents. He was ruling on Samsung’s retaliatory lawsuit against our own suit against them in the ITC. Since we don’t import any significant amount of products directly, they had filed the suit to enjoin the imports of several small companies that use our products. We are disappointed by this initial decision. We will seek a review by the full ITC, which will take several months to issue its ruling. We will continue to keep you informed of significant developments.”
In another suit in December of 2014, the string of unfavorable rulings continues when a trade judge determined that Nvidia infringed upon three of Samsung’s patents in their chip-making process.
Nvidia Gets A Win
However, the winds shifted in Nvidia’s favor early this week. A federal court in Virginia ruled that Nvidia did not infringe upon Samsung’s memory chip technology in its graphics cards. The case filed by Samsung, which started with four instances of infringement by Nvidia, saw three of the claims cut in the pre-trial phase.
Nvidia is planning to appeal both the ITC decision and the ruling on Samsung’s chip-making process from December of 2014.