Month: May 2010

The Pirate Bay: Up and Down and Up Again

The German Internet Provider that was the ISP Host for the peer-to-peer downloading website The Pirate Bay shut the site down on Monday afternoon. However, as of the next day, the site is up and back at full power. The new host for the website is the internet service provider, Swedish Pirate Party. The Swedish Pirate Party’s leader Rick Falkvinge issued a statement regarding The Pirate Bay, saying “When other politicians appoint committees and try to pass the buck, the Pirate Party instead takes responsibility and acts with its own resources to protect the nation’s information safety and fundamental freedom of speech. We are now The Pirate Bay’s Internet service provider,”. Sven Olaf Kamphuis, the man who ran The Pirate Bay’s first ISP, said that he would love to fight, but he was facing jail time and fines of almost $307,000 if he had continued to host the website of The Pirate Bay. They had three options, and the one that they chose was that The Pirate Bay could get another ISP. They chose the Swedish Pirate Party, and no charges were filed against the German...

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