Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Leaked
For those waiting to upgrade to Windows 7 until the first Service Pack is released, now is the time. On Wednesday, the Windows 7 Service Pack 1 beta was leaked to a foreign technology website. People had wanted to wait until the first service pack was released to make the switch from Vista, so this may lead to the Windows OS gaining more market share. As you may remember, Windows 7 took more market share than all Mac OS versions in a short period of time. The fixes in SP1 are mostly minor, and nothing really groundbreaking, but the really big deal with SP1 is that most businesses wait for the first Service Pack before upgrading. The service pack will most likely lead to a big jump in sales among the Business Edition. The full service pack is rumored to release some time this summer, and will add even more to the Windows 7 experience. SP1 will be the next and newest step in the Windows 7 saga.