Engadget: Google Nexus One Hands-on

Google's very Own Nexus One -photo credit : engadget
The Nexus One, Google’s own phone is being released this Tuesday. The phone was manufactured by HTC and there was much speculation about whether this “real” Googlephone would have many new features other than the typical Andoid features on other phones such as the Droid. Mountainview is host to the 10AM PST official unveiling by Google. So join us for live blog coverage.In the meantime, we have info from our friends at engadget who recieved an actual phone to play with.
Click on the link below the video to seee the unboxing of the Google “wonderphone”. Why does every new phone packaging look vaguely-familiar…ahem…iPhone? There is a plethora of pictures of the actual nexus
The video as posted on engadget compares it to the Droid saying it is not that much different. The main feature appears to be the “Live Wallpaper” which do not have that much functionality but are nice little UI gizmos.
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Exclusive: Google Nexus One hands-on, video, and first impressions — Engadget.