Earn 43 Cents for each Mac You Infect
The site above is dedicated to the sale and promotion of fake Mac software, designed to compromise your computer. it is an affiliate of a group labeled The Partnerka described on Paul Ducklin’s blog and succunctly defined on Graham Cluley’s blog thusly:
The Partnerka is the complex network of affiliates who profit from spam and malware. Run like a multi-level marketing scheme, if you’ve ever received an email which points you to a “Canadian Pharmacy” website, you’ve met the Partnerka.
The site Mac-codec.com (now offline, I might add) which Dmitry Samosseikko calls “codec parnerka” , was offering $0.43 for each malicious install on a Mac .This adds credence to the notion that the Mac platform is becoming more and more lucrative to online hackers and attackers.
According to Ryan naraine on ZDNet’s Zero Day:
The site was also offering various promotional materials in the form of MacOS video players, a sign that the investment is just more than tricking users into paying for fake security software.