Avast Showing "Win32:Delf-MZG [Trj]" errors
If you’re using Avast’s Anti-Virus solution on any of your home computers, you may throwing the program is throwing up reports of your .exe files being infected by “Win32:Delf-MZG [Trj]“.
Before you start deleting .exe’s or .dll’s or putting them into a chest, you should know that the latest anti-virus definition update is said to contain some bugs which is causing false positives to register. The creator of this new trojan used basic scripting which is used by most of the software out there, so that the real virus could pass through.
An update was released earlier today, and this fixes this problem. Users are encouraged to manually update their Avast installation, then restart their computer. This should stop the false positives.
Stay tuned for any new information that we uncover.
PS: It might be a cause for a freakout if you see a string of trojan/malware warnings, but you are regularly backing up data on your desktop/laptop, aren’t you?
Source: http://www.whoisandrewwee.com/internet-marketing/avast-showing-win32delf-mzg-trj-errors-read-here/