Why Won't My Parakeet Eat My Diarrhea? a Big Google Slip and a Bizarre Parakeet Question
Why won’t my parakeet eat my diarrhea? Is a question parakeet owners may know. Why won’t my parakeet eat my diarrhea stems from a Google slip that left many curious users of the Web browsing for the answer to a very bizarre question.
Google has an auto-fill function on their search. According to Gather.com, if you start typing, a box will form below the text box and in that box the most common search terms will appear. Today, people started typing “why won’t” and the most common searched term was “why won’t my parakeet eat my diarrhea.”
I smell a glitch on Google’s end. Come on – how many people do you think cares about diarrhea. Furthermore, a better question would be “why are you trying to feed your parakeet your diarrhea” rather than ask why the parakeet won’t eat it. The answer to that question is obvious. It’s gross and it will probably kill the parakeet.
This isn’t the first time Google has built in a peculiar link in to their search engine. Not too long ago, you could Google “Chuck Norris” and hit “I’m Feeling Lucky” and a message would appear that read “You don’t Find Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris finds you” on your screen. Normally, if you hit “I’m feeling lucky” the first relevant Web page will appear.
So why would Google want people to find out why their parakeets won’t eat their diarrhea? My theory is that they want to keep our Web browsing lives interesting. After all, they don’t have any more Sesame Street Google images creating a buzz so they need something to keep searchers coming to their site.
I always bypass other search engines in favor of Google, and not because I am a Web writer and they have the best analytic tools. I always favor Google because of the interesting things that they do to keep our interest alive. So far, I have learned about Sesame Street’s 40th anniversary, the history of the barcode, and how to look for crop circles using Google earth. Now, I can learn why my (imaginary) parakeet won’t eat my (theoretical) diarrhea.
The search term “why won’t my parakeet eat my diarrhea” will stay hot. You see – the auto fill in function is a self fulfilling prophecy. As long as people keep using that term, it will stay among the most popular and at the top of the list.
I just pray that no parakeets are harmed because of the buzz about parakeets and diarrhea today.
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