Tech Talk will be live on Wednesday, 8PM EST
On Wednesday, August 26 at 08:00pm EST we will host our first 15 minute long Tech Talk show. It will be boradcast live on this BlogTalkRadio page. Our main show page is where you can find all of our future and old episode archives is at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Cosmic-Things-Tech-Talk. Tune in live Wednesday night and listen to Nancy Raskauskas and I talk tech. If you have any comments or questions that you want on the air, call (317)-4-COSMIC and leave us a voicemail. We may put your call on the air.
In the future, this show may feature live tech help via a call in system, or anything! For now, visit http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Cosmic-Things-Tech-Talk and check it out on Wednesday. We hope to see you there!