Author: Nancy Raskauskas, Senior Editor

MSN Gets A Makeover

Just today, MSN popped up with a whole new look, sort of like the nerdey girl in the movies who shows up to school one day looking like a fashion model. It sheds it’s old fashioned cluttered look for a modern sleek one.One could almost say it is beautiful. Of course it is labeled as “Preview” so it may not be the final redesign. Now, much more relevant content for today’s users is the focus. The page seems to invite us to click on the different components which are now more organized and colorful.  The bing search bar is prevalent at the top right under the new msn title with newly designed butterfly. Perhaps this is a way of encouraging the use of bing which has not caught on the the big way that Microsoft expected. Beneath that are sleek minimalistic drop down menues to search News, Entertainment, Sports, Money, Lifestyle and a “More” category.  To the right of that, a local edition link  and a settings menu which includes a choice of a  Latino version. I will be anxious to see the site as it develops over the next weeks. Hopefully it will not get re-cluttered although despite the previous poor design, MSN is one of the most visited portals on the...

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