Breaking: Yes, Virginia, there really is a Microsoft Tablet.
Who knew that, while we were kvetching about Microsoft abandoning the Courier and the HP tablet and drooling and ogling over the ipad,there were several Windows 7 Tablets being born (such as Australian Pioneer Computers and Motion Computing F5 Tablet PC).
And out comes this video of the Hanvon (never heard of them) Windows 7 Tablet vs. the iPad. And, by the way, the Hanvon, as you can see, kills the ipad with many functions. it also has a camera, usb port, and SD card reader,a trackpad(even thought it has a touch screen) and…drumroll… Flash! Some of the only things iPad came out ahead was in the gestures, general video quality (not load speed) and typing on the keyboard. The app menu was easier to use on the iPad as Microsoft still uses the archaic start menu list.
It is suspected that these (and there appear to be a few other Windows 7 contenders out there) will show up in the marketplace by the end of this year. So, yes, Virginia there really is a Microsoft Tablet that may be delivered by Santa Claus.
At any rate, take a look at this video that was found on the internet and let us know what you think: