Join us for our interview with Anthony Scarsella from Gazelle on “Tech Talk Live” June 23, 2010, at 8 p.m. Eastern

Berlin, Maryland — June 22, 2010 — Anthony Scarsella, Chief Gadget Officer at Gazelle, a consumer electronics buyback company, will appear on “Tech Talk Live” ( with hosts Jamie Welch, Nancy Raskauskas, Jackson Berger, and Bobby Schaeffer on Wednesday, June 23, 2010, at 8 p.m. Eastern. The exclusive interview will highlight what Gazelle is all about and what they do with the phones and other electronics that they buy. Gazelle (, a service of Second Rotation, Inc., is committed to providing an easy, fast, and safe way for consumers to get cash for selling unwanted electronics or to recycle...

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App of the Week: Readability

This week’s app is not a phone app but a cool little bookmarklet that you can use on your PC or Mac. It comes from experimental labs at arc90 .If you are one of those finding that you need glasses more and more or, that after a whole day on the computer, things are getting just a little too fuzzy, this is for you. Go to Select the settings that you would like to see your text in . You can pick from Novel, ebook, Newspaper layout and more.. You can choose a size for the text from...

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The Return of Pac Man-Thanks to Google

Google celebrated May 22, the birthday of Pac-Man by making their google doodle a playable version of the game including an “Insert Coin” button to get it started. The Search site was bombarded with users not searching, but playing Pac Man. Everyone was sad when they discovered it was only to be for 48 hours. Well now you can keep on playing Pac Man if you go to...

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Zuckerberg Sucks It Up- Admits Flawed Facebook Privacy Policies

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO has heard and finally assimilated all of the negative press and the criticism from government representatives and other groups and he is responding by : 1. admitting the errors of his ways concerning privacy on Facebook 2. addressing the privacy concerns by introducing new settings to Facebook. Here is the editorial, in its entirety, that was posted in the Washington Post and also sent to other agencies: Six years ago, we built Facebook around a few simple ideas. People want to share and stay connected with their friends and the people around them. If we give...

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