New Gmail Feature allows for easy unsubscription from mailing lists
Gmail has added a feature that will unsubscribe you from mailing lists that you decide you don’t want after all.
Read MoreJul 24, 2009 | 0 |
Gmail has added a feature that will unsubscribe you from mailing lists that you decide you don’t want after all.
Read MoreJul 23, 2009 | 3 |
This summer I find myself going to a lot of forums to figure out some issues with my web design or searching for freebies that will make my design life easier. I am also finding that .uk sites often offer the most useful and friendly support. Although I have a widget converter that does all sorts of numeric conversions, I recently just wanted to quickly change inches into pixels in my code without having to open a major app, widget with multiple conversions or Photoshop, et cetera… I stumbled upon this nifty converter that allows down and dirty conversion from pixel to inches and vise versa which allows you to use presets or custom measurements. The creator of this handy flash based tool which installs and runs on my desktop as a standalone executable ‘Flash Player 8 Projector File’ …no need to install any Flash plugins/players! is Louis Dade on the Classical Web Designs Page. Here is a picture of the handy little tool: Kudos to Louis Dade! Find it at...
Read MoreJul 22, 2009 | 0 |
The fervor over Microsoft’s releasing 20,000 lines of device driver code to the Linux community is dying down . The code, including three Linux device drivers, has been submitted to the Linux kernel community for inclusion in the Linux tree. The drivers will be available to the Linux community and customers alike, and will enhance the performance of the Linux operating system when virtualized on Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V or Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V. Here is the video from Microsoft PressPass Sam Ramji, senior director of Platform Strategy at Microsoft, and Tom Hanrahan, director of Microsoft’s Open Source Technology Center, discuss the company’s release of Linux device driver code under General Public License...
Read MoreJul 8, 2009 | 2 |
For some time now, the prospect of an operating system released by Google has haunted the back corners of internet blogs, forums, and message boards. Google’s first step towards complete control of everything ever a Microsoft Windows competitor has finally arrived. The idea of the new Chrome OS, which creatively borrows its name from Google’s current browser, is a slimmed down operating system designed for web usage. “The operating systems that browsers run on were designed in an era where there was no web,” was posted on the official Google Blog tuesday. The Google Crome Operating System is Google’s attempt to “re-think what operating systems should be”, while at the same time, taking over the internet. Google promises to create a user interface dedicated to the internet. A near non-existant and simple GUI is intended to create a cloud computing experience. In other words, most of your computer will not actually be on your computer, but rather, on the massive collection of integrated servers and filesystems all over the internet, where your data will be stored among the online applications you use. The OS is also planned to be highly secure and easy to use, so users do not need to worry about viruses or spend hours installing new hardware, which sounds like an OS that already exists is a good idea and is revolutionary. While these features are...
Read MoreJun 30, 2009 | 0 |
It has been announced that Global Gaming Factory X AB ,a swedish software company,has purchased controversial The Pirate Bay for &7.8 million a seemingly pittance of a price. The Pirate Bay has indeed been one of the most popular and influential websites in the world despite its involvement with torrent tracking which led to its recent court case and which it lost. Even though, the site remains up and well used and this leaves us to wonder the motive behind this recent sale. According to Pirate Bay “ “The profits from the sale will go into a foundation that is going to help with projects about freedom of speech, freedom of information and the openess of the nets. I hope everybody will help out in that and realize that this is the best option for all. Don’t worry – be happy!” Now that it is a confirmed “done-deal” we only have to decipher what will become of Pirate Bay under its new ownership. Pirate Bay says it will not change.I agree with Mashable....
Read MoreJun 22, 2009 | 0 |
Learn how sites like eBay and Amazon secure the data that you send when you buy things from them: Public Key Cryptography. This video offers a nice overview of how it...
Read MoreJun 21, 2009 | 0 |
Here is a news clip from when I was stuck in a Street Sweeper: You can download this video in WMV format here: News: Stuck in Sweeper It is also now available in Mp4: News: Stuck in Street...
Read MoreJun 21, 2009 | 1 |
Symantec is warning about a mass-mailing worm that comes in an attachment pretending to be a Twitter invite. “The observed messages appear as if they have been sent from a Twitter account; however, unlike a legitimate Twitter message, there is no invitation URL present in the body,” a Symantec blog post says. “Instead, the user will see an attachment that appears as a .zip file that purportedly contains an invitation card.” The name of the attachment is “Invitation Card.zip” and Symantec identified it as W32.Ackantta.B@mm, a worm targeting Windows computers that was discovered in an e-card virus attack in February, according to Symantec. The worm gathers e-mail addresses from compromised PCs and spreads by copying itself to removable drives and shared...
Read MoreJun 20, 2009 | 3 |
Apparently the WOZ was stroling into the San Jose Vally Fair Apple Store and asked people if he could be the first to get the 3Gs. A witness was quoted in saying: “I just got my iPhone this morning at the Apple Store in Valley Fair (San Jose, CA) and Steve Wozniak was there. I arrived at 3:50am and Mr. Woz was chopping it up with the manager at Apple. Then around 4:30am he politely asked everyone in line if he could be the 1st to get his iPhone at the store and everyone said yes.” I would have made him do the cha cha like he did on dancing with the stars before he could cut before me. (No I wouldnt...
Read MoreJun 17, 2009 | 0 |
I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” is immediately available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. We also fixed over 790 bugs. This release is named in honor of noted trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker. Here’s a quick video overview of everything in the new release: The first thing you’ll notice is that visually 2.8 feels a lot like 2.7, just with some minor tweaks here and there. However once you’ll dig in you’ll begin to appreciate the changes. Major New Improvements First and foremost, 2.8 is way faster to use. They’ve changed the way WordPress does style and scripting. The core and plugin updaters in previous versions of WordPress have been such a success we decided to bring the same to themes. You can now browse the entire theme directory and install a theme with one click from the comfort of your WordPress dashboard. If you make edits or tweaks to themes or plugins from your dashboard, you’ll appreciate the new CodePress editor which gives syntax highlighting to the previously-plain editor. Also there is now contextual documentation for the functions in the file you’re editing linked right below the editor. If you were ever frustrated with widgets before, this release should be...
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