AT&T announces nationwide release of 3G MicroCell!
AT&T, The Nation’s Fastest 3G Network, has announced the nationwide relase of their latest device, the 3G Microcell.
Read MoreMar 26, 2010 | 0 |
AT&T, The Nation’s Fastest 3G Network, has announced the nationwide relase of their latest device, the 3G Microcell.
Read MoreMar 26, 2010 | 0 |
As the contest name implies, if you successfully exploit a target you get to keep it along with a ZDI cash prize.
Read MoreMar 24, 2010 | 0 |
Even after death, Michael Jackson continues to defy all odds and break records. Just this week, Sony BMG and MJ’s estate signed the largest music deal in history, encommpassing 10 projects over 7 years. The cost? $200 million. For more details watch the below video, courtesy of the...
Read MoreMar 24, 2010 | 0 |
Dead battery in your new iPad? That’ll be $100. Oh, by the way, you won’t get your iPad back.
Read MoreMar 24, 2010 | 0 |
Mozilla said on Tuesday that it is halting work on the creation of Firefox for Windows Mobile.
Read MoreMar 23, 2010 | 0 |
Apple is now selling the iPhone without an AT&T contract or ID at any Apple Store in the United States. Gizmodo received a copy of the internal documentation that reads, “Effective immediately, customers purchasing iPhone as device only at full price are no longer required to have an AT&T account or provide a form of ID. Device only full price iPhone slaes are limited to one per person per day.” The price is $499 for the iPhone 3G 8GB, $599 for the iPhone 3GS 16GB, and $699 for the 32GB model. Of course, these devices will be sold with the latest baseband which is not yet unlockable; however, you can use RedSn0w to perform a tethered jailbreak. via iClarified – Apple News – The iPhone is Now Available Contract Free From the Apple...
Read MoreMar 23, 2010 | 0 |
The recently announced PlayStation Move controller is already being advertised by Sony. PlayStation’s spokesman Kevin Butler is back at it again with the duty of promoting the Move – the revolutionary new motion-sensitive controller for use with the PlayStation 3. The PlayStation Move uses three main components to provide the most precise motion sensing controller ever: video tracking, a gyroscope, and an accelerometer. The PlayStation Eye camera is responsible for tracking the Move, which is why it has the large colored ball on the top – to provide an easy tracking component for the PS Eye. The rest is similar to the existing SIXAXIS motion sensing technology, albeit the newer technology is said to be even more precise. The PlayStation Move will be realeased in November of this year and several games are being developed for use with it, as well as some existing games will be updated to support it. The only mention on the pricing is that the Move will cost no more than $100. Stay tuned to Tech Talk for the latest developments with everything Sony and...
Read MoreMar 20, 2010 | 0 |
We have been expounding a lot lately about the shortcomings of the new Apple iPad. This amusing video entitled Grandma’s iPad Commercial seems to sum it up nicely. It was actually produced for an assignment for a group’s Comm 340 class. Check it...
Read MoreMar 20, 2010 | 0 |
This weekend you can use Skype Access for absolutely no cost!
Read MoreMar 17, 2010 | 0 |
Starting today, another version of the Nexus One is available from the Google web store that is compatible with AT&T’s 3G network.
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