Microsoft in the Hole
Since the Google vs. China incident broke out Google has been seen as Super Hero. and it is now known that the culprit in allowing the cyber attacks was actually unpatched security holes in at least two major versions of Internet Explorer. World governments are advising citizens to switch from Internet Explorer to alternative browsers and Microsoft has to do something to vindicate its beloved but troubled browser. True to form Microsoft feels that the best way to accomplish this is to claim that other browsers are even worse than IE. Listen Microsoft’s UK security chief, Cliff Evans reported to Techradar:
The net effect of switching [from IE] is that you will end up on less secure browser,” and that “the risk [over this specific] exploit is minimal compared toFirefox
or other competing browsers… you will be opening yourself up to security issues.
There are broader risks and issues with other browser.I’m not aware that the vulnerability exists in other products, but those products may have other vulnerabilities
The reality of the risk is minimal, even if you have IE6; you would have to go to a website running the exploit.
Hmm…There seems to be a hole in Cliff Evans logic.