Sony Ericsson brings Xperia Pureness to USA!
Normally, when Sony Ericsson announces a new handset, I am completely giddy with excitement. Today, however, I bring news of their newest handset – the Xperia Pureness, with less enthusiasm. It is a very desirable phone in its own right. It has a very sleek and minimalistic approach in terms of its design. It has a very cool transparent panel that serves as its screen; it is actually a completely translucent window in the body of the phone that illuminates with only white letters and images to inform the user. In addition, the keys are only identifiable when the phone is on, which makes it even more simplistic and sleek when off. The phone has all of the normal features of a simple call-and-text handset, but not much more. The only software feature that distinguishes it from other simple phones is the built in concierge service, which can be used for finding information about restaurants and other destination information.
Why am I dissapointed, you ask? The price. I love Sony Ericsson and their Xperia line of phones; I own the Xperia X1 myself. The Xperia Pureness is only availiable at Saks Fifth Avenue for the whopping amount of $990! Yes, you read it right, $990! For a simple unlocked phone that is only differentiated by its nifty transparent display. The X1, a phone with Windows Mobile, 800×480 3″ touch screen display full QWERTY keyboard, arc-slider mechanism, unique Panels interface, 528MHz Qualcomm processor, and many other features, retailed for $799! And it can be had for as low as ~$500! The Xperia Pureness should have been ~$250 unlocked.