APPLE TABLET: Could We Have One By February?
They Always say, “Consider the Source” and this is surely true with rumors. But what idf the source was Steve Chuang from CENS.com with Taiwan Economic News saying :
As Apple Inc. will launch its newest tablet PCs next February, a couple of Taiwanese suppliers of PC parts and components have managed to join the supply chain and will start delivery to Apple in December, according to industry sources.
The tablet PC features a 9.6-inch screen, finger-touch function and built-in HSPDA (high speed download packet access) module, and adopts a P.A. SEMI processor chip and long lasting battery pack, selling for between US$799 and US$999.
Outbidding its Taiwanese counterpart Simplo Technology Co., Ltd., DynaPack International Technology Corp. has been exclusively contracted to supply up to 300,000 units of long lasting battery packs a month for Apple`s newest tablet PCs. Bearing higher gross profits than conventional models, the long lasting battery packs are expected to serve as a profit booster for the firm in the future.
In the meantime, Wanshih Electronic Co., Ltd., a leading supplier of PC mini coaxial cables in Taiwan, is expected to absorb around 70% of Apple`s orders for mini coaxial cables for the tablet PCs. Presently, Apple takes up nearly 50% of the company`s output as the most important client.
Also, Taiwan-based Mag. Layers Scientific-Technics Co., Ltd. and Wintek Corp. will supply power chokes and touch panels, respectively, for use in Apple`s newest tablet PCs. Noteworthy is that Wintek`s touch panels have been used in Apple`s iPhones for a while, while Mag. Layers has effectively squeezed into Apple`s power chock supplier list
Could dreams and Wishes really come true? if so, what do you think the pad will ultimately look like? The picture above was featured in this month;s Mac|Life as their guess for a prototype.The one below was courtesy of Pickupjojo on DeviantArt.