ITP Spring Show 2009- My Sister's Show at NYU -Will Smart
A festival of interactive sight, sound and technology from the student artists and innovators at ITP This post is attributed to Will Smart.
Read MorePosted by Nancy Raskauskas, Senior Editor | Apr 17, 2009 | Uncategorized |
A festival of interactive sight, sound and technology from the student artists and innovators at ITP This post is attributed to Will Smart.
Read MorePosted by Nancy Raskauskas, Senior Editor | Apr 15, 2009 | Technigrated Blog |
Here is a wonderful list on the graphicdesigner blog of Newspapers that blog their headlines and articles through twitter. The post includes a list of the top newspaper users on twitter as well, with twitter user links for all included in the article and some user statistics. You can even add to the list (as many subscribers have already). The list is continual and as of this post shows the April list with updates. You can also peruse the January-February updates....
Read MorePosted by Nancy Raskauskas, Senior Editor | Apr 14, 2009 | Technigrated Blog |
Renay San Miguel of TechNewsWorld posted this story about A study conducted by an Ohio State University doctoral candidate has focused on the relationship between college students’ academic performance and the amount of time they spend on Facebook. Though the findings seemed to indicate more time on Facebook equals slightly lower grades, the researcher acknowledges the study’s limitations. The study was called “A Description of Facebook Use and Academic Performance Among Undergraduate and Graduate Students.” and it has drawn much attention in the news as of late. It seems to show a possible link between academic performance and facebook usage to the effect that students who are avid Facebook users recieve lowere grades than their non-frequent user peers. Her study’s main findings include : Facebook users in Karpinski’s study average grade point averages of 3.0-3.5. Non-Facebook users: 3.5.-4.0. Facebook users averaged 1-5 hours a week studying; non-users, 11-15 hours per week. Seventy-nine percent of those who said they used the social networking site said it did not impact their grades or study habits. Eighty-five percent of undergrads in the survey said they had a Facebook page; 52 percent of the graduate students had accounts. The group most likely to use Facebook: Those majoring in science, technology, math, engineering and business. Right away I see some possible contradictions or are questionable in the findings. This list of statistics would appear ...
Read MorePosted by Nancy Raskauskas, Senior Editor | Apr 14, 2009 | Apple |
iPhone 3.0 beta 2 released, push notifications are a go. The rest of the mobile industry might be gearing up for CTIA to start, but Apple’s phone elves are toiling away — iPhone OS 3.0 beta 2’s just been released to developers, along with the go-ahead to start developing for push notifications. Thankfully, beta 2 also apparently includes a number of stability and performance enhancements, which will hopefully make our tester phone tolerable again — we’ve been restarting beta 1 basically every day since we sacrificed it to the hands-on gods. Devs and beta testers know what to do to snag the upgrade, let us know how it goes! read Sam Oliver’s full post on Apple Insider...
Read MorePosted by Nancy Raskauskas, Senior Editor | Apr 14, 2009 | Technigrated Blog |
authorStream Lets Businesses Create Customized, Branded Channels For PowerPoint Presentations Posted using...
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