Author: Nancy Raskauskas, Senior Editor

G.E.’s Breakthrough Can Put 100 DVDs on a Disc –

General Electric says it has achieved a breakthrough in digital storage technology that will allow standard-size discs to hold the equivalent of 100 DVDs. G.E. plans to announce this on Monday. Although it is just in the lab phase, the major breakthrough  is the ability  G.E. claims to be able to mass produce these  storage discs at an “affordable” price. Holographic dis storage  technology has been explored by many entities over a long period of time now.  G.E. however has developed what they call  microholographic storage which they say would enable up to 500 Gb of information on a disc the size of a DVD and could hold holograms of DVD, CD and Blu-ray and it’s player could read all of these formats. G.E. predicts that their new technology could be released as early as 2011 at a cost of 10 cents per GB or less. Read more at the NY Times: Shorty – Beta (8 May 2009)

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Windows 7 Will Include "Windows XP Mode" – windows 7

It has been reported that Windows 7 will  offer a virtualpc “Windows XP 7 Mode” when it releases on May 5, 2009. You will have to download a plugin, free of course for Release Candidate users and for pay by Ultimate and Professional users, in order to take advantage of this.According to Windows watcher Paul as quoted on Lifehacker What’s XP mode? Thurrott, it’s a licensed, virtualized copy of Windows XP Service Pack 3 running inside Microsoft’s own Virtual PC framework, customized and framed to allow anyone who needs a picky XP application to run to simply install it while XP Mode is enabled, then have it run as a virtualized app in the future without thinking about it.It is, in a way, a 100% compatibility promise, but it remains to be seen how smoothly Virtual PC can be integrated into Windows 7 itself. I do not know how convenient this will be for many. I do know that I can currently run many of my XP programs in Winows 7 (unlike the many fails on Vista). It also recognizes my printers,speakers and other peripherals(also unlike Vista).  There are a few XP based programs that I have that are not Windows Vista (or therefore 7) compatible that i would love to be able to run, even if temporarily, on a virtual pc until the 3rd party software companies catch...

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App Attack! Top 15 iPhone Apps – by Digital Trends

There are too many sites that recommend apps for the iPod/iPhone, let’s face it, we even have a list on this page. However, most of the apps,mentioned in most lists, including our own, are game apps. I decided that I needed more productivity apps and went on a search in the app store. This proved to be way overwhelming. I came across this list on Digital Trends blog, a very nicely designed and informative blog.  It seems to have a top 15 App list that really has some useful apps.  I already had some but I downloaded a bunch of the others from this list today.  Check it out App Attack! Top 15 iPhone Apps – by Digital...

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