Author: Nancy Raskauskas, Senior Editor

BREAKING: The Pirate Bay Sold For $7.8 Million

It has been announced that Global Gaming Factory X AB ,a swedish software company,has purchased controversial The Pirate Bay for &7.8 million a seemingly pittance of a price. The Pirate Bay has indeed been one of the most popular and  influential websites in the world despite its involvement with torrent tracking which led to its recent court case and which it lost. Even though, the site remains up and well used and this leaves us to wonder the motive behind this recent sale. According to Pirate Bay “ “The profits from the sale will go into a foundation that is going to help with projects about freedom of speech, freedom of information and the openess of the nets. I hope everybody will help out in that and realize that this is the best option for all. Don’t worry – be happy!” Now that it is a confirmed “done-deal” we only have to decipher what will become of Pirate Bay under its new ownership. Pirate Bay says it will not change.I agree with Mashable....

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NPR- All Things Considered: Chinese Internet Filter Spurs Criticism

All new computers sold in China after July 1 must contain new software that filters out a list of Web sites banned by the government. Listen to this recorded NPR Broadcast interview from All Things Considered with Jonathan Zittrain, professor of Law at Harvard, cofounder of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society and investigator for Open net...

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Microsoft patches 31 Windows, IE, Office security holes | Zero Day |

Must read: this article by Ryan Naraine, journalist and security evangelist at Kaspersky Lab. He manages, a security news portal. Here is Ryan’s full profile and disclosure of his industry affiliations. Apparently Microsoft announced updates/patches  to fix 31 Windows, Office and  IE vulnerabilities . They sent out 10 bulletins to that effect, 5 of which were labeled critical. Ryan Naraine gives us the lowdown on his ZDnet Blog, Zero Day:...

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