Palm Pre Restores iTunes Sync Defying Apple and USB Forum-The Saga Continues

apple-vs-preOwners of the Palm Pre discovered yesterday that Palm re-enabled synchronization through Apple’s iTunes , ignoring warnings from a standards group last month.They also will find that Photo sync has also been enabled this time. The release of webOS 1.2.1 Saturday was the latest in the mele between Palm, which began its iTunes sync last June in conjunction with the launch  of the Pre, and Apple, which has blocked the practice several times since with iTunes updates.

When Apple repeatedly blocked the syncing, Palm petitioned The USB Implementors Forum (that sets all guidelines for USB Device Usage) claiming  that Apple was in violation of the USB-IF Membership Agreement when it persisted in breaking the sync of the Pre with iTunes

Much to the surprise of Palm, the USB-IF actually pointed the finger at the them being the violator saying:

I attach for your information the USB-IF’s adopted and published policy regarding Vendor Identification Numbers (VIDs). Under the Policy, Palm may only use the single Vendor ID issued to Palm for Palm’s usage. Usage of any other company’s Vendor ID is specifically precluded. Palm’s expressed intent to use Apple’s VID appears to violate the attached policy.

Please clarify Palm’s intent and respond to this potential violation within seven days.

Well, I guess Palm decided on the “in your face” response.

Apple’s company spokesman Tom Neumayr reacted to webOS 1.2.1 by saying:

As we’ve said before, newer versions of Apple’s iTunes software may no longer provide syncing functionality with unsupported digital media players .

The USB-IF did not answer questions Saturday about what they planned to do next in response to Palm’s latest actions against their recommendations.


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